“We work as part of your H&S or HSE team, making easy your labour, helping you in guidelines development and giving you practical solutions.”
Iñigo Marañón Romero, Head of Industrial and Citizen Safety Department
Our products

ATEX studies in engineering step and/or in production premises, equipment evaluation and formation.

Major-accident hazards / Seveso Directive
Designing guidelines meeting the 840/2015 and 1196/2003 Royal Decree Laws.

Transportation Dangerous Goods Advisor (DGSA)
Evaluation of the safety of the transportation of dangerous goods and meeting the 97/20014 Royal Decree Law.

Emergency and Evacuation plans
We elaborate, set in and evaluate Emergency and Evacuation plans, achieving the Basic Self-Protection Rules and the Autonomous Regional guidelines.

Equipment consignment / LOTO
We create procedures, file cards and supply equipment to ensure safety conditions in the material and premises during the maintenance or cleaning labours.

Risk Analysis
HAZOP, SIL, What if, ACR studies to improve safety in a plant in Designing / construction or operations steps.

Environmental danger
We prepare to risk Environmental evaluations and Preliminary reports about the soil situation.