About tic@tesicnor.com

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So far tic@tesicnor.com has created 91 blog entries.


2020-10-08T11:13:26+00:0010/20|Sin categoría|

Our compromise in the fight against Alzheimer's The Alzheimer's research is one of the medical milestones from the XXI century, not only for its complexity but also because of the high human cost and in the public health. Our compromise in the fight against this painful disease has been materialised our donation to the CIMA, [...]

Help-Na brigade


Support for the humanitarian emergency fire brigade, Help-Na The latest humanitarian project from the volunteer fire department from Navarre, Help-Na, was developed in the refugee camps at the Nort of Greece. There, they distributed food, wood, clothes and they have bought and set up fire extinguishers. Tesicnor collaborated with them economically donating 600 euros. [...]

UN Global Compact

2020-10-08T10:58:50+00:0010/20|Sin categoría|

Tesicnor accedes to the UN Global Compact Since October 2013, Tesicnor has taken part in the United Nations Global compact through the Spanish network, that has more than 2,500 organisations in favour of the social and environmental responsibility of the companies. Sharing the same principles, understanding the company not only for his economic role but [...]

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