Essential training for the electrical sector

The aelēc standard establishes the training requirements for Occupational Risk Prevention for contractor companies in the electrical sector, with the aim of ensuring high-quality training that reduces workplace accidents and optimizes coordination between companies. This program covers key modules such as electrical risk, first aid, fire extinguishing, working at heights, and confined spaces, providing workers with the necessary tools to prevent risks and respond effectively in emergencies. Additionally, the training will be renewed every three years, ensuring that skills remain up-to-date.

At Tesicnor, we offer training according to the aelēc standard, ensuring that your team meets the highest safety requirements in the electrical sector.

Standard aelēc training modules

Manos enguantadas de un técnico usando un multímetro para probar un panel eléctrico con cables multicolores en un entorno industrial.

Basic electrical risk

Training in prevention and safe procedures in low-voltage environments for workers without direct intervention.


5 hours

Manos enguantadas de un técnico usando un multímetro para probar un panel eléctrico con cables multicolores en un entorno industrial.

Basic electrical risk

Training in prevention and safe procedures in medium and high-voltage environments for workers without direct intervention.


8 hours

Dos técnicos con trajes naranjas y cascos blancos reparan un cuadro eléctrico con cables y equipos electrónicos, en un entorno industrial con un extintor cercano.

Advanced electrical risk

Training in prevention and safe procedures for professionals working in low-voltage environments.


14 hours

Dos técnicos con trajes naranjas y cascos blancos reparan un cuadro eléctrico con cables y equipos electrónicos, en un entorno industrial con un extintor cercano.

Advanced electrical risk

Specialized training in electrical risk prevention for professionals working in medium and high-voltage environments.


22 hours

Un grupo de personas sentadas en círculo realiza un entrenamiento de RCP en un maniquí, con una instructora practicando compresiones torácicas y un kit de primeros auxilios visible.

First aid

Training in emergency response, CPR, transportation of injured persons, and specific measures in the event of electrical contact.


4 horas

Un bombero con casco rojo y traje reflectante usa un extintor para combatir un incendio en un ambiente lleno de humo y llamas.

Fire extinction

Training in prevention, fire extinguishing, and practical use of fire extinguishers for type A and B fires in electrical installations.


4 horas

Un trabajador vestido con un traje azul y casco rojo escala una estructura alta usando cuerdas y arnés de seguridad, con un cielo claro de fondo.

Working at heights

Training in safety for the use of PPE, ladder work techniques, scaffolding, and roofs, minimizing fall risks.


8 horas

Un trabajador con casco y arnés asciende una alta torre de comunicación de acero bajo un cielo azul, utilizando una escalera integrada en la estructura.

Advanced working at heights

Specialized training in safety for working on electrical towers and posts, access, positioning, and rescue in sector structures.


8 horas

Un grupo de trabajadores con cascos y arneses practica técnicas de seguridad en una estructura de entrenamiento al aire libre, con escalera y equipo visible.

Work in confined spaces

Training in access, safety, and rescue in confined spaces with specific risks, including hazardous atmospheres.


8 horas

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