“Benjamin Franklin: Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
Juan López, Head of Training Department
The Training Department offers professional and quality solutions to the highest business requirements in the area of Health & Safety formation.
Although we are specialised in the renewable energy sector, mainly, in the wind area, we also prepare and teach from a theoretical and practical point of view courses in Health & Safety addressed to every economic sector.
Furthermore, our Department has the Global Wind Organisation certification, that means, we are official providers of courses below the international wind standards.
Besides, we have a Technical Personnel Assistance Service that tests, develops and writes access, evacuation and rescue procedures in complex industrial environments.
Our latest projects are the development of custom-made online and multimedia H&S courses.
Our services

H&S Wind Training Courses
We design and develop custom-made teaching materials. Besides, we train in them, in our own courses and as approved training providers in Global Wind Organisation standards. See GWO Certificate

H&S Generic Training Courses
We elaborate custom-made teaching materials. Besides, we train in them, in our own H&S courses.

We elaborate H&S custom-made online courses. Furthermore, our customers can host them in our e-learning platform.

Technical Personnel Assistance Service
Design, test and development of specific solutions for different emergency scenarios at any kind of industrial environments that requires a quick rescue operation in order to minimise or avoid damages or casualties.

Inspection of PPE for work at height
Our technical department inspects visually and functionally any kind of Personal Protection Equipment for work at heights: harness, anti fall arresters, lanyards, helmets, automatic and emergency descenders, etc.